Procrastinating Writers United


Submissions are currently CLOSED!

Get updates about upcoming submission opportunities by following us on social media, or filling out this form!

Past submission opportunities:

Before submitting, please take the time to review our full submission guidelines below.

What kinds of work are you accepting as submissions?
We are likely to accept the following styles of artwork and writing, with some exceptions. If you’re interested in submitting a type of work not listed here or addressed elsewhere on this page, reach out to us via email!

Can I submit AI-generated images or text?
At this time we do not accept submissions of AI-generated content, as the current technology is based heavily on unauthorized use of copyrighted content. We also will not accept AI-derivatives, or larger works with any AI component, for the same reason.

Will PWU copyrighting the project interfere with my personal copyright?
No. Procrastinating Writers United may potentially apply for a copyright of the work as a whole, not the individual works therein. You will still have all the same rights to your own work, including the ability to apply for copyright yourself, which we encourage you to do. To learn more about copyright law (USA-specific), click here.

Are there any mediums or topics that will be automatically rejected?
We do not accept plagiarized or stolen work, derivative work without the permission of the original creator (including fanwork), or works with elements of AI-generation. Longform works (classified as “novels,” or any work over 40,000 words) may be rejected depending on a variety of factors. Additionally, we will not accept works promoting or glorifying bigotry, homophobia, racism, ableism, or other forms of hate. We reserve the right to reject sexually explicit works and works including sensitive topics such as violence and sexual assault, as well as anything else taken on a case-by-case basis at the editors’ discretion.

How should I format my biography for the anthology?
Must be 150 words or less, in 3rd-person POV starting with your name/pseudonym. Short, simple example:
[FIRSTNAME LASTNAME] is a(n) [ARTIST / WRITER / ETC.] spending their days creating [SHORT DESCRIPTION OF WORK OR HOBBY]. They enjoy [LIST OF HOBBIES OR JUST NOUNS YOU LIKE]. In their spare time, they [HUMOROUS ANECDOTE].
Other examples on our about page. You can also link a file, if that is preferable; check out our section on how to properly upload files.

Can I submit collaborative works?
You are welcome to contact us about submitting collaborative work. Please note that anything that you did not solely create is considered collaborative work. If we do accept the work, you will need to have written permission from your collaborator.

What compensation does PWU offer to contributors?
Contributor compensation includes one physical and two digital (ebook as EPUB or MOBI, and PDF) copies of the anthology per contributor (e.g. anyone who filled out the form and had their submission included in the final work). Submissions are free and always will be. We’re currently not a paying market but we hope to become one someday! PWU is a labor of love, and we receive no grants or outside funding. Our publication is intended to serve as a platform for creators to see their work in print, and any possible profit from the current anthology is put toward future projects.

How will contributors get their copy?
Contributors will receive two copies of the ebook (EPUB and PDF). For projects with a print copy version, we will reach out with options for discounted or at-cost copies.

Can I specify custom formatting or different fonts?
If you prefer a certain layout on the page, we encourage you to submit your work in DOCX format. We will not be using different fonts within the anthology itself; if you would prefer your work to be in your handwriting, you are welcome to submit it in that format. If using fonts within your art or graphics, ensure that they are commercial use-friendly.

Can I submit fanwork (art, writing, other)?
No. Fan-made work—aka derivative work commonly referred to as fanart or fanfiction—cannot be submitted, as we legally cannot publish copyrighted content that we do not have permission to use. This includes intellectual property not owned by the person submitting the work.

Can I submit work with a runtime (music, video, etc.)?
Our publication will be printed and made available as physical and ebook copies upon release. We do not intend to include QR codes or other forms of clickable links in the work, but may consider video stills and/or transcripts. If you feel your work has the potential to be printed, reach out to us via email!

What will a physical copy of the anthology look like?
The physical version of the anthology will be a 6 by 9 inch (15.24 by 22.86 centimeter) paperback with a gloss cover and full-color interior. The editors’ names will be on the cover. Currently, we plan to have the contributors’ names on the cover also, but this will be dependent on space.

How does the submission period work? Are extensions available?
If you need more time to complete your work(s), please reach out to us via email within one week of the deadline, and we’ll see what we can do about arranging an extension period. This is at the editor’s discretion, and we reserve the right to refuse extension periods.

How do I properly upload my submissions to the Google form?
We do not have file uploading widgets in the form, as they require you to have a Gmail account (and we want submissions to be open to everyone, regardless of their preferred email service). Instead, we request you upload via links using file storage services. Here are a few we recommend, with linked instructions on how to use each one:

You can submit multiple works or images either as separate files, or combined in a DOCX file. If complex formatting is an important aspect of your work, we recommend you submit a PDF (see our section on custom formatting).

How do I format the work description?
Within the document, include a work title and description:
“Title of Work,” dimensions (if applicable) & medium, date of completion.
Example of traditional art description:
“The Irony is Very Strong,” 9×12 inches, inks and gouache, 2023.
Example of writing description:
“i don’t know what you’ve been told but,” free-verse poem, 2019.


Rights and Housekeeping

PWU’s editors may offer editorial suggestions (including grammatical and proofreading edits) prior to publication, and/or request revisions if the work is not yet ready for publication. We claim non-exclusive one-time rights and non-exclusive archival rights. The individual copyright of your work always remains yours. We may reach out to you about posting excerpts from your works with credit on our various social media platforms and/or in other promotional material. PWU does not post work(s) without prior permission.

Our anthologies and other projects—after initial marketing, launch, potential pre-order period, and sale—will remain for purchase at cover price on our platform of choice in perpetuity. In most cases, some production fees are paid out-of-pocket by PWU staff; all proceeds from purchases of the anthology will go toward recouping printing costs, distribution costs, and future projects. PWU staff is not financially compensated at this time.

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